Top Ten Strongest Armies of the World in 2022


Top 10 Militaries of The World

Number 10. Pakistan, The Pakistan Armed Forces Are One Of The Largest In The World The Country Can Lay Claim To An Impressively Large Tank Fleet As Well As Numerous Aircraft And Attack Helicopters Pakistan Have 640 000 Active Personnel 2824 Tanks 1387 Aircraft Nine Submarines

Number 9 Brazil, Brazil Is One Of The Largest Military Powers On The Planet In Addition To The Most Tanks And Aircraft Of Any Country Besides The United States China Or Russia Brazil Have 360 000 Active Personnel 439 Tanks 679 Aircraft Seven Submarines

Number 8 United Kingdom, Although The United Kingdom Is Planning To Reduce The Size Of Its Armed Forces By 20 It Can Count On Being Able To Project Its Power Around The World The Royal Navy Is Planning To Put The Hms Queen Elizabeth An Aircraft Carrier That Has A Flight Deck Measuring At 4.5 Acres Into Service In 2022 Carrying 40 F-35b Joint Strike Fighters Across The Globe The United Kingdom Have 194 000 Active Personnel 227 Tanks 693 Aircraft Number Seven

Number 7 France, The France Military Is Relatively Small But Highly Trained Professional And Capable Of Force Projection The Country Has The Nearly New Aircraft Carrier The Charles De Gaulle And France Routinely Engages In Military Deployments Throughout Africa To Help Stabilize Governments And Fight Against Extremism France Have Two Hundred Five Thousand Active Personnel 406 Tanks One Thousand Five Aircraft Ten Submarines

Number 6 South Korea, South Korea Has Been Left With Little Choice But To Have A Large And Capable Military In The Face Of Potential North Korean Aggression With Those Realities In Mind South Korea Has A Number Of Submarines Attack Helicopters And Active Personnel The Country Also Has Numerous Tanks In The Sixth Largest Air Force In The World South Korea Have Five Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Active Personnel Two Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Tanks 1595 Aircraft 22 Submarines

Number 5 Japan, In Absolute Terms The Japanese Military Is Relatively Small Nonetheless The Country Is Extremely Well Equipped According To Credit Suisse It Has The Fourth Largest Submarine Fleet In The List Japan Also Has Four Aircraft Carriers Although These Vessels Are Only Equipped With Helicopter Fleets Japan Also Has The Fourth Largest Attack Helicopter Fleet Behind China Russia And The United States Japan Have 240 000 Active Personnel One Thousand Four Tanks One 449 Aircraft 21 Submarines

Number 4 India, India Is One Of The Largest Military Powers On The Planet It Has The Most Active Manpower Of Any Country Aside From China In The United States In Addition To The Most Tanks And Aircraft Of Any Country Besides The United States China Or Russia India Also Has Access To Nuclear Weapons It's Expected To Become The Fourth Highest Military Spender On Earth By 2022. India Have 1 Million 450 000 Active Personnel 4614 Tanks 2182 Aircraft 17 Submarines

Number 3 China, The Chinese Military Has Grown Rapidly In Terms Of Both Size And Capability In The Past Few Decades It Also Has The Second Largest Tank Fleet Behind Russia In The Second Largest Submarine Fleet Behind The United States China Has Also Made Rapid Strides In Its Military Modernization Program Now Developing A Range Of Potentially Game-Changing Military Technologies Including Ballistic Missiles In The Sixth Generation Aircraft China Have Two Million Active Personnel Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Tanks 3285 Aircraft 79 Submarines

Number 2 Russia, The Russian Armed Forces Are The Unquestioned Second Strongest Military Power In The World Russia Has The World's Largest Tank Fleet The Second Largest Aircraft Fleet Behind The United States And The Third Largest Submarine Fleet Behind The United States And China Russia Have 850 000 Active Personnel 12 420 Tanks 4173 Aircraft 70 Submarines

Number 1 United States, The United States Spends More Money On Defense And America's Biggest Conventional Military Advantage Is Its Fleet Of 10 Aircraft Carriers The United States Also Has By Far The Most Aircraft Of Any Country Cutting Edge Technology Like The Navy's New Railgun A Large And Well-Trained Human Force And That's Not Even Counting The World's Largest Nuclear Arsenal The United States Have One Million Four Hundred Thousand Active Personnel Six Thousand Six Hundred Tanks 13 247 Aircraft 68 Submarines


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